Hmmm...let's see...
I am probably doing this (blogging here) because I am completely and utterly bored..
Then again, we will never know my true intentions now would we? *evil cackle*
Just had a productive but hectic day today!
First of all, I had a crazy week last week, and secondly, it's gonna be a crazy weekend after this!!
Recently, I have taken up a responsibility I although I vowed not too.
Somehow, God works in mysterious ways....
I was really burned out before, not wanting to do anything fruitful. But, recently, a certain someone has placed this desire to serve once again....the question is, am I ready to "Put out in the Deep"??
Fr. Chris came up with this great statement to be printed out on our shirt. Fiona Kab from UiTM made this really awesome design and the words at the back reads; "We are putting out in the deep. Are you in??" being typical cradle catholics (I do not speak for all..Lol) we were all wondering about the significance of those words...what they meant really?.
Thank God our Shepard was kind enough to guide us, the Lost Sheep..=)
Luke 5:2-6
he (Jesus) saw two boats there at the shore of the lake; the fisherman had gone out of them and were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little way from the shore. Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon,"Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch." Simon answered,"Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets." When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break.
So it is with life, especially when we are serving God in any way. Either by being an environmentalist, or by sweeping the roads, or by attending lectures, but just playing your role in life. No matter who you worship. So many times we fail, and just want to give up. So many times we feel so burnt out till we want to cry. There are times you just don't wanna sleep because you dread what lays ahead tomorrow. But Jesus (maybe another God for the non-Christians) has it all planned. We just have to take that plunge...All we have to do is Trust His Heart.
How I am feeling right now is truly a testament to that. I was a mess. I can't say I am perfect now, but I feel a sense of Joy within me now that I am beginning to serve once more. I know exams are around the corner, but somehow I can pay more attention than ever. I know I did not have enough sleep last night, but today I spent 6 solid hours studying. I was missing home SO MUCH, and my brother came by today and had dinner together. It always works out, if you Let Him Lead.
It is never easy. I have lost many friends along the way. People have hated my guts for standing for what I believe in. But I survived, because of God's love.
There are so many victory stories in Christ that I want to share, but a day at a time. Let us all just be thankful for this beautiful day, for all the trials, for all the accomplishments, for our families and friends.
I am just so happy that I had to share this with you.
Thursday, 29 March 2007
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