Tuesday 28 September 2010

sipping on lemonade

Im sipping on lemonade and allowing life to pass me by again...

I've signed up for personal training again, with a much more reliable trainer...decided not to stave myself this time... It was a good first session...unfortunately I have only 29 to go...:( its almost too sad...and now I have a wedding to attend on the 15th of October...with Kevin...hmm..it did feel weird when he asked me to accompany him, but what the heck..I'll just go along...Anyways, reason of mentioning wedding was because..YEAH! I get to dress up...but me so fat again..sigh....hoping training will work some magic..but its hard work all over again! No accident this time to ruin it!!

Work has been a pain

I had a night call with a very incompetent technician. He stopped doing calls for the last 5 years, and now he wants to upgrade to executive level and in turn become a technologist, so he decided to start doing his calls again. And it was bad!!! He did not know anything! I practically had to run the lab on my own!! I was almost in tears when there was a bad bleeding case, and I was almost out of blood!! Gosh, it was so freaking traumatic! I worked 15 hours non stop, and crashed the next day...it was too much for my body...did not like it at all!

Musad...oh well....now that things are over, he is being all nice again...I m trying my best to not allow his charms to melt me..and hence need more distractions...have learned that work is a unhealthy distraction dat gets me more money to go for retail therapy...guess that works huh?

Sigh, got to do somethin about late night lemonades la...hmmm....