Monday 25 June 2012

Pro-life? Pro-choice?

Pro-life vs. pro-choice, do I really need to make a stand?

Chiara Corbella made a bold decision to stand up firmly for her beliefs....I admire her for more than one reason, firstly because she protected her unborn child, secondly for loving her unborn child unconditionally, thirdly, for braving comments like "What about your child? Wouldn't it be cruel to allow a child to be born and not provide your child with a mother?"

I believe every child, born or not is a whole person, and should be allowed a chance to live. But I do not know how to respond to questions like those mentioned above. Or questions like, what about the poor teen who was raped and got pregnant? Deprive her of an education and a chance of fully living her life? The stigmata through her life although it was not a decision she made? I have had any friends who had pregnancies out of wedlock, and I am so amazed at their decision to keep the baby. They braved the side glances and gossips. I also have friends who had aborted their pregnancies..I am not proud to say that it is so much easier to decide the latter when you in that position, when you hide form the light of Truth. If I were in their shoes, I think I would have done the same. :(

What about in the event a baby is diagnosed with a syndrome within the womb that would deny the baby a chance for a normal life? Some doctors highly suggests terminating the pregnancy so as to be kind to the baby. People would say that allowing the baby to live with a deforming syndrome is cruel and selfish on the parents part. An example..Lacey Buchanan

I cannot articulate it well, but I think every life belongs to God, weather or not he/she lives or dies, it is not for me to decide. but I am not able to articulate. And to be honest, neither am I truly brave to proclaim what I believe in in fear of rejection and criticism.

Maybe this stand is not too hard to make after all.

I am pro-life. Abstain from pre-marital sex with respect to the sanctity of the sacrament of marriage. Leave the rest to God.