Anyway, all hell broke loose when my mom who promised to mail me a dress from Australia sent a totally auntie dress! And mind u, this was ONE WEEK BEFORE THE DINNER! I drove all the way to Mlk to retrieve the parcel only to find this real auntie dress....*sweat* Well, of course it was a sweet thing, but it was 2 sizes too big for me, and it was so NOT annual dinner material.
So, it was time to freak out. Mid semesters where still in the progress, I did not have a dress, and my lab just WON'T cooperate with me. So that Sunday as soon as I came back from Mlk, I went hunting for a dress.
*In mind*: Ok, it is going to be black, brown, or if I go crazy, RED. Yes! Red it is....damn it...I hope I can get dresses my size here...*curses misfortune*
And there I saw, in Cheras Selatan, this shop, looking rather decent, and with not too many customers...ah...just my cup of tea.
So I stroll in, and I see this gorgeous brown thing...So I tried in on, but not before ordering the shop girl to bring everything and anything that would fit me.
The brown dress was, OK la...And I was decided on walking around a little bit to have a look first. So the shop girl showed me the dresses she picked out. I swear...awful collection of dresses, and one of them was freaking PINK! Man I saw that dress, and gave the shopgirl a disgusted look while saying, "Pink? I don't think so..Ha-Ha"
But seriously the rest were far worst! Like some total auntie dress trying to be ah lian.. Bad I tell you...So I looked at that disgusting pink thing and said, what the heck! I'm not going to buy it anyway...
But, no..fate had a joke to play on me....The dress was gorgeous on me! Perfect fit, and I looked a size or two slimmer...So I went out enthusiastically and asked,"Got other colour??*HUGE SMILE*"
"No wor..last one", was the depressing reply...
but I swear that dress was gorgeous, but it was PINK! PINK!
I had to have the dress, and the next thing I knew I was paying RM87.90 for the PINK material sewn into an accursedly gorgeous dress!
So the week went by, I accessoried, and and received a shawl to go with the dress from a sweet bunch of frens...
and voila!
Yea, I know...Michelle is way prettier, but heck, I pulled off a pink dress! Me proud bimbo!