Sunday 13 April 2008

Bimbo-ing it all out!

April 5th, 2008 was the Catholic Students' Society of UKM's annual dinner, and the theme for the night was "A romantic night with the stars" (cheesy i know, but give the first years the benefit of a doubt...first years...:P)

Anyway, all hell broke loose when my mom who promised to mail me a dress from Australia sent a totally auntie dress! And mind u, this was ONE WEEK BEFORE THE DINNER! I drove all the way to Mlk to retrieve the parcel only to find this real auntie dress....*sweat* Well, of course it was a sweet thing, but it was 2 sizes too big for me, and it was so NOT annual dinner material.

So, it was time to freak out. Mid semesters where still in the progress, I did not have a dress, and my lab just WON'T cooperate with me. So that Sunday as soon as I came back from Mlk, I went hunting for a dress.

*In mind*: Ok, it is going to be black, brown, or if I go crazy, RED. Yes! Red it is....damn it...I hope I can get dresses my size here...*curses misfortune*

And there I saw, in Cheras Selatan, this shop, looking rather decent, and with not too many customers...ah...just my cup of tea.

So I stroll in, and I see this gorgeous brown thing...So I tried in on, but not before ordering the shop girl to bring everything and anything that would fit me.

The brown dress was, OK la...And I was decided on walking around a little bit to have a look first. So the shop girl showed me the dresses she picked out. I swear...awful collection of dresses, and one of them was freaking PINK! Man I saw that dress, and gave the shopgirl a disgusted look while saying, "Pink? I don't think so..Ha-Ha"
But seriously the rest were far worst! Like some total auntie dress trying to be ah lian.. Bad I tell you...So I looked at that disgusting pink thing and said, what the heck! I'm not going to buy it anyway...

But, no..fate had a joke to play on me....The dress was gorgeous on me! Perfect fit, and I looked a size or two slimmer...So I went out enthusiastically and asked,"Got other colour??*HUGE SMILE*"
"No wor..last one", was the depressing reply...

but I swear that dress was gorgeous, but it was PINK! PINK!

I had to have the dress, and the next thing I knew I was paying RM87.90 for the PINK material sewn into an accursedly gorgeous dress!

So the week went by, I accessoried, and and received a shawl to go with the dress from a sweet bunch of frens...

and voila!

Yea, I know...Michelle is way prettier, but heck, I pulled off a pink dress! Me proud bimbo!



M3lvIn said...

hey pearl, you looked great in that pink dress...
You really did pulled that off...
On the contrary, your friend beside you looked like she is in a nightie.
I sure hope your friend don't read this comment.
LOL, cheers...

Pebbles said...

Gee...thanks! Lol...cheers!

JiHouh said...

couldn't agree more!!!
u looked great.. ^_^

Pebbles said...

Thank you, thank you...*blush*

Inaesb said...

You look lovely. :)

Pebbles said...

*giggles* (totally bimbo-ed)
Thank u....:D
*skips giddily along*

Anonymous said...

weii..u look gorgeous! hmm, maybe u should show us the auntie dress that ur mom sent u..hehe.

Pebbles said...

nooooooooo....never....not in a million years!!!!!!!!!HAHAHA..thanks sandra..:)