Sunday 29 November 2009


Well, things have been pretty crazy in Pearly-land..

Work: I am officially confirmed as of July 2009 (letter came in October.....efficient eh?). I have a crappy boss, who infringes on our rights as employees. He has zero EQ, thinks leaders must go for all hands on trainings, so leaders will have all the knowledge and hence obtain the respect of other. He is racist against non chinese. He is clueless on managing ppl (ooo...that's the zero EQ part), his daily routine is stand around, checking OJTs, and telling everyone that their leave aren't approved. Okay, enough of dissing the boss....I have more responsibilities now. I have started ER calls, meaning I have to work in the satelite lab in the ER. Main job is to run urine analysis, and draw blood. Next month, I will have my first day-call (working on a public holiday means only 3 people running most of the lab). Work is awesome. :) Ooo...we have a Christmas exchanging of gifts too....we pick out names from a box, and I got a male colleague.........*help* what do I buy him??!! Suggestions??!!

Family: ME MISS MY SISTER!!!!!!!!! So I am headed off to Perth for CHRISTMAS!!!! BOOYAHHHHHHHHHHHH!! My oldest bro, my mom and I will be there for Christmas. It's exciting. I do feel sad that my second bro and his family would be here though....I will miss Sanjay banjay pudding and pie....(nephew)..And I need to buy Matthew some pressies....Hmmm......he likes reading, especially encyclopedic stuff....Emma-bamma is a typical lil girl....shall I get her her first barbie in the footsteps of her very happening, beautiful, intelligent aunt?? Hahahahha....Maybe maybe...:P Relationship with the family has been ok. Prem has been very supportivee and sensitive to my struggles, whch is very comforting. I have been a lil more open to the family, being honest by admitting dat I do get very lonely in KL. I guess it helps dat they noe..

Church: It's the liturgical new year! It almost feels like a brand new start...A new beginning, another chance to do things right. I have made my resolutions for the year, need some fine tuning, but i have a rough estimate. I am definitely gonna surround myself with healthier people. Sieve out people I tend to deviate with. Got a few opportunities to serve, am just gonna weight and view my options. Neville and the catechism crew, caroline and the alpha gang, and daniel, gabby & viv and the choir. Looking at other communities to belong to...individual prayer is important, but community prayer also is needed...

Etc: Well, there is a person, whom I should not be seeing, who really clicks with me. And it sux dat circumstances would not allow something to grow out of this, but I am just grateful for his presence itself. The very fact he exists gives me hope somehow, or the sweet reminder that there is nothing wrong with me. Oh well...

So dat's dat for aquick be going for ne-yo's concert in january!! AWESOME....(I dun fancy ne-yo, the awesome part was for th concert....Hahaha)

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