Thursday 11 March 2010

blame it on always..

Today I was reading the papers...the article on more getting married later or not at all..Uniersity Malaya's Associate Professor Dr Tey Nai Peng was said to have said that 'the younger generation was getting more self-centred, with modern women having high expectations and becoming choosy when it came to finding mates.'

When I read that, I took it very personally.

Excuse me. Women are doing better in their career, taking more responsibility and being accountable. And you call us self-centred and choosy? I have the right to make careful decisions for my future spouse. If the male counterpart cannot show that much of commitment, responsibility and stability, why do I get blamed for being choosy? Am I expected to settle for any Tom, Dick of Harry that comes along? And what? Be bullied in a relationship as female emotions are battered? Am I to settle for a bum just because he is the only male interested? I would rather be single than marry for convenience. I would rather experience true love than exist day to day hoping that my husband would show some care today. I am not going to be a slave to men. Why do we women torture ourselves to look 'hot?' Because our male counterparts are visual creatures. So why cant the men start 'torturing themselves' to be more sensitive to women?

Come again? Gender equality? Women don't want to be treated like the weaker sex? Extreme feminism has pushed women to the other extreme. Being emotional beings do not make us the weaker sex...And this is a perception drawn from a male dominant time..

I am just annoyed. Gender equality has been bent and manipulated.

Im gonna want what want. I want chivalry and respect. I want stability and spontaneity. I want simplicity and class. And I'm not backing down.

On a different note, it was disturbing to know that I am in the 33% of women between 25-29 who are not married in malaysia...Joy..


b@wee said...

it's probably 33% married, 33% shotgun, 33% single.

who says you need to define your life based on somebody else's ideals?

Pebbles said...

it just means, most men are taken...or gay. :P

Unknown said...

Can understand. I am in the same boat & not giving in.

Suzie said...

Totally with you there girl! God created us to equally share not to get the leftovers. I think we must show some character to men and not treat them as they treat us, showing them respect for what they are and letting them know that if they want to be with us they must show us the same.

Pebbles said...

Amen to dat! :) Yet, it is tough to hold on to those principles...its overpowering..the pressure....:(