Friday 14 March 2008


It is hard to listen to another human being, I know. It is a known fact.

It is then our duty, as another human being to lend a ear. It keeps balance. I listen to what you have to say, and not judge, and you listen to me.

When you know someone is not going to listen to what you have say, you just don't talk.

So this brings me to my point.

Today I was tired after a long day, and wanted to have my lunch. Rascal asked me about the talk we had for CSS. I just said, it was OK. Then he asked, what did Fr Chris talk about? So I know that Rascal does not really want to know, so I just said nothing la..just about Islam. Then he asks again, what about Islam. So I gathered my breath, cause the questions he asked sounded like he really wanted to listen. So I said, well he talked about apostasy of Islam. Taking another breath so continue, I opened my mouth to say another word, when he turns up the volume of One Tree Hill series (dumbest thing I've seen).

So, after once being reprimanded for being too sensitive, I continued talking, as he turns to me, he reduces the volume. I continued saying, Oh, he tried to explain the freedom of religion Islam has promoted but unfortunately buried by Jihad. Rascal gives an indifferent nod and turns up the volume again. So I tried to finish what I had to say about the talk, and continued my lunch.

So, shall I blame myself if I am sick and tired of talking to an indifferent ear? Although it might be meant well, but yea, listen if you want to. Do not make it a part of charity. Sucky.

1 comment:

Darian Henry said...

chill pepek..
work shit out..

i linked ur blog to both my blogs..

keep in touch..
hidup caritas..