Friday, 27 February 2009

the joys of sdmc..


there is internet in the hospital!! It took me a bloody month to tap into the resources offered by the god given paradise!! I lovethis place... * grins*

okok..I guess that shows how much I've missed being online! it is so bad that the moment I realised I hd a connection, i had no idea where to go.. I had to think..hmmm.where first... before my routine would have benn yahoo & gmail, followed by blogspot n facebook and finally the local n international papers...

Bah, I've now resorted to the conventional methods of obtainin news...and i mean conventional..newspapers..the paper one! Literally...every morning, in my car while i'm stuck in my 15-60 minute jam...:S

And joy, the keypads of my notebook also ****** up la...ish ish....the keys for @ n " got interchanged! Help anyone? Or shall I go reset my notebook to its fctory settings??

if it seems like this post is all jumbled and mixed up, well it's because sooooooo many things has happened the last 3 weeks that I do not know where to start.

letsus start wit the worse most boring news on earth. The issue of the most irritating ex.

He is completely out of my life from now on. He had the nerve to tell me that that he thought he could do both things a the same time??!! (i.e. date steph n be best frends with me???!!) please la. its a no-brainer la. I told him from th start, he had to makea choice. I tried reconciling the facts, but i m sorry. I cant.
ooo...he also apparently sent a massive spam email to everyone on where to go for valentine's or some shit, and had the galls to forward it to me ALSO!!! COME ON LA! turn on those bloody brains!

Ok. ex out of the way.. I've actually been on real dates! (Okie..I noe this is pathetic, but bear with me la)..

Both were Indian, well built people, with 2-4 packs!! *swooned* Do not sk me how I got those dates, but was one was club guy, and date two was gym guy..funness..:D

hmmm...updates....oh yeaaaaaaaaaaa another particular monster from my past has crept up on me! The very fellow who had a gf but was giving me the im interested vibes. Well, he has been in contact since valentines..and e is apparently single. However, reports say he was sported still being pretty lovey dovey with his ex (is she is his ex). what's worse...he actually has the nerve to tell me that he is in touch with me because he wnts a fling!! Can u believe it?? Am I fling material??!!!!!!!

Oh well..
I love my job!
I love my housemate! ( Youre the coolest!)
I love my apartment!
I love my gym!
I love my parish!
I am happy!!!

ok ok...gotta get back to work....

oh well...

oo oo...i gotta weigh myself today again! It's been almost a month gym-ing! i shall tell u how much I lost ( instead of hw much i weigh) hehe..
signing out!

sorry for the typos....

Im going back to melaka this weekened!!!!!!!!!

typo again!

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