Thursday 8 January 2009


Bryan, the white Muff and I back in the beginning of our second year!!

I met bawee in 2005. I had to stay back one weekend, and so decided to follow the CSS students to church, and that is where I met him.

*wow, he's really cute*
Hi, I'm Pearly


And so began my journey with this amazing person named Bryan.

Eh, uni's not bad you noe. Got cute guy man
Yea, there's this first year guy from Kuching. Seriously handsome
*bunch of 2nd & 3rd year girls go oooh*
let's meet him

*drives up to college 9*
*sees a lone figure with a laptop and a packet of packed rice about to go up stairs*
*stops the car-grace, julie, veron, julie, ee lene & me inside*

hey bryan!
*blur bryan turns around*
get in!
uh, okay

And life has never been the same in UKM!!!!

*KKM canteen-excited Bryan*
What do you think of the slides??
*looks at Bryan's OH-SO-COOL lappy*
*looks at slides*
*all green and all leafy*
Say, Bryan, you have a girlfriend?
er, yuh
*robotic Bryan*
Oh, here..
*super excited Pearly*
She pretty..
*goes back to college*
*tells every girl she knows the heart-breaking news*

*bunch of 2nd & 3rd year girls go owh...*

In UKM I met the first guy that would turn out to be my first boyfriend. And the only UKM person I could tell it to was....

Title: Happpyyyyyy
Message: Hi Bryan, I'm soooo happy. I'll tell you when we meet back in uni

First day of second semester: Bryan, Rubern and I go to Mid Valley

*Bryan on escalator in front*

*Rubern & I behind hand in hand*

*Bryan all red in the face...*

LOL...sorry Bryan you had to find out that way..

In comes Karen, & Cheese into the family equation:

Cheese is Grace's husband
I'm the product of the chinese dad and indian mom
Bryan is the baby brother dat comes and ruins all the attention I had
Rubern is my husband
Julie is Grace's sister
Karen is Julie's illegitimate child..highly suspected that Ed is the father
Karen is also the mistress of Cheese
Karen also has an incestuos relationship with her cousin Bryan

A very handsome Cheese, a very skinny Rubern and me darling Bryan on my bed and Rubern's pillows in the very very new fish tank

Along the way, Rubern and I file for a divorce, much after my parent split.

After mom went away to start her career, Dad tended to us. Motherly love and fatherly love is so different, isn't Bryan? Lol.

My first ever birthday party, the beginning of the legendary Fish Tank (Dat time still in Cradle though) crazy and memorable parties had begun!

Unfortunately, I cannot put up the it would be a bridge of our *what happpens at the party stays at the party* here goes:

our humble beginnings

oh yes, Bryan was the party animal after all!! LOL.

In time, our first semi-kinky party was on it's way as well..The farewell to all our fantastic 3rd year friends..

Curry2U's first and last performance!!

A much reserved Bryan...and yes, please do not judge our outfits in the photo...the party was a pajama party!! So Bryan's pagoda shirt and pants are justified (So is Karen's nightie..but I guess that would be justified in any party!!)

Bryan was also the faithful friend who followed me through to re-build CSS (after our dreams of following mom and dad's footsteps in AIESEC were crushed)

CSS's humble beginnings on the shoulders of Karen, Bryan and I-Annual camp organised by Bryan

Bryan and I disagreed on almost everything in CSS, but after many many knocks, we have come to realise the truth in each other's words. I needed him by me in CSS. Nothing would have been right if it weren't for him. If Bryan had not said anything about any decision I made, I would second guess myself all the way.

Bryan, as much as everyone said I did so much for CSS, I really really could not have done it without you. You were my other half in all sense. If you weren't there, I could not have done anything and that is NOT exagerrated.

The amazing bond formed-Karen, Bryan, Rubern and I..had it not been for the drama that ensued the new relationship Rubern formed

And all the goofy stuff we did together, eh Bryan??!!

Ooo, I have to say, the Kuching lag Bryan had was long gone by this time. He was pretty much the peninsula Bryan he is today! :)

Bryan continued being part of all our CSS activities..If I was the Head, Bryan would be the Heart, pumping all that oxygenated blood to the brains, keeping it alive..(Okay, Karen, I'd give you the Lungs the oxygen to the Heart in the first place! :) I needed the both of ya...I swear).

Our breakfast sale, raised rm1100 in an hour!

Bryan part of my band!!-Josh sesat tho..:P

Joyce (current CSS president) and me (previous CSS president) fighting over Bryan!! (Ivor looking like he wants a piece of Bryan from that end..:P)

Bryan in Bagan Lalang...He organised, I cooked! :) (That's my fat arm!!)

Outside CSS, Bryan was growing in so many ways! Especially into a man (take note, from a boy to a man, not from a girl to a man ya.. :P)

He did not take to much of the things I liked, but he sure tried. he karaoke-d with us:

Chia Wei's birthday

He clubbed with me, although he hated it, and I still ruined it for him the next would you ever forgive me Bryan? :S

And yes, the psrties went on...

Bumbu Bali..Bryan, my other gorgeous housemate Chia Wei, and hair this time..

And Bryan added more class to the alcohol next birthday party bash..

From Bryan, my virgin absolute experience..

And the result??

Both trying hard at Amber Chia's lips..:)

After these good times, came the bad. I know you still loved me throughout Bryan, though the relationship was strained since the introduction of the newer people, and the drama between Rubern and I.. Still the show went on..


Somehow, putting a prancing horse and Bryan together is always wrong..

In Fish Tank: of the last few good times we had all together

In the midst of all the Drama:

The sincere smiles, with the sad knowledge things will never be the same..oo..Bryan literally on top of me!

Till graduation:

We did not have a graduation unlike us..

And still Bryan was there for the post-CSS stuff I had to get my butt involved in:

Yes, it does say "My Bryan" on the screen..He belongs to meeeeeee :P

Oh well, Bryan is now off to Kuching, after which he would be going to Brisbane to complete his Masters.

I cannot see him off as I have to attend my grandfather's funeral in JB.

Bry bry..I cried like 5 times writing this post...Haha..Going to miss you soooooooo soooooo much..already do. things have changed, but I still love you, so so so much! You're seriously family to me.

Just so you know, the oldest message in my handphone is yours:


Vasparov vodka n rum 59.99, birthday party 99.99, missed flight ticket 244.99, 4 girls twirling at ur hips... PRICELESS


11-Apr-2006 11:51:09

He missed his flight back to Kuching the day after my birthday party...thank you for actually putting off your trip back home just for my birthday..back then u used to be so homesick..It means the world to me...

Love ya Bryan. Miss ya. Good luck in Brisbane! Keep the parties up and going! I shall visit you there!!


Love ya, love ya..*sniff*


Anonymous said...

muaxx muaxx..

bly bly =)

b@wee said...

wow. the chronicles of uni life!

*goes thru photos.... worries about changing hairstyle and receeding hairline*

*realizes cheesiong is just as receeded... PHEW*


i donno what to say.. as usual.. *lag*... but i'm sooo touched.

after all the recent bumps it's soo good to see the great times we had. after looking back at all the times spent together, through depressing uni life, strange societies we ended getting involved in, the past year was really nothing that bad.

it truly was an honour and a super enriching experience to have crossed (intertwined, up, down, in, out) paths with such a sophisticated and complex creature who was also a bimbo-wannabe.

have i mentioned the similarities part of the relationship yet? I know we supposedly share genetic material but the times when you think of something just as i was about to say it is really freaky. not to mention the times we think the exact same thing and worry the other half is upset when you're actually thinking the exact same thing?

geddit, geddit? hahah!

oh, btw, the last time that happened, on the phone you were back in prem's house, this gay-wannabe boy actually shed tears. if you didn't manage to hear it over the phone.


oh well, anyway, thanks for keeping all the controversial pics off the blog. heh heh... heh heh. those memories will be cherished locked away and key swallowed.

i still insist i've learnt so much working with you, living with you and talking to you. :D

well, don't worry, me will be leaving for a pretty long time and with indefinite plans , who knows where the future will take us. I know, i'm being idealistic but i dont wanna look back on my deathbed wishing i'd spent more time at work. neither can any of us afford to travel the world yet but we'll see what will happen in a few years. (you still have that option of marrying a MAS employee for cheap tickets!) life is sooo exciting isn't it?

thanks for the live changing 3 years pearly! HUGGGGGGGGGS!

Pebbles said...

I tried uploading our Ok Go dance video, thought of salsa video, had videos of us downing beer, so so so many things...but I have to hand it to ya. you have single handedly thought me how to "keep it locked away, with key swallowed!"

Stupid pictures and memories made me cry so much...started scolding rubern for all the crap as I was writing from 7am!! (sorry rubern). hugsss. I couldn't even articulate my words. nothing and everything was coming out at the same time. This is as raw n pure as it gets. Lol.

And yes, I remember that phone call. How could I have not? It was forgiveness from you. And a very very swollen face the whole of the next day. (AM a bimbo..tsk)

*nods nods* remember alpha camp?? We said the exact same thing at the same time, and laughed at the same thing..FOR THE EXACT SAME REASON!! Lol.. *I know the exact look you'd be giving right now..that snicker, and if it really tickles, probably a slap on ur thigh!*

thanks bryan, thanks. :) Means a lot coming from ya.. Thanks for the cuddles too..I'll think of car races the same way again!

*small voice* don't go.. :(

Anonymous said...

bly bly !! i wanna make out with you before you leave !!

Pebbles said...

well...Mr Anonymous the II..or Ms Anonymous the II.. Bly bly is not available for services of that sort! :P He's busy with me!

plus Lyd says he has a chastity belt..:S

Bryan, who it this person??!!


Anonymous said...

i want some action too bly bly!! Don't just give it to ms/mr anonymous. Leave some memories before you leave!! please~~~ *puppy dogs eyes*

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous! Im the real Anonymous! Stop being me! Bryan's mine!

Gnet said...

Pearly it's a beautiful beautiful story on your life journey with bryan.
and ur friendship is one of a kind.
a lot to say but let me just sum it up into one word mkay?
oklah. maybe 4 words. :P

Pebbles said...

Thanks Gnet..:)

It is one of a kind..

*plans flight to Brisbane* wakaka