Friday, 20 March 2009


Can't believe how fragile I still am..

Yesterday I met a real old friend, DT..someone real close to heart,only he did not realize it...

He came over to my apartment, and we were chilling at the poolside and caught up old times...we were talking about people we both knew, how they have turned out to be. It was real nice, to have a bit of the better times come back to me. Long and deep into the conversation, we found out that a mutual close friend, JT has been backstabbing DT. I said it was true as JT told me bad stuff about DT's gf the last the last time we met. What happened next was something I did not expect..

DT was so pissed, and he said that JT almost cost him his cousin. And I was sympathetic, but I told him that JT was never credible, and honest to god, I did not remember the details JT told me as he has always been full of crap. Well, DT than questioned my intentions of inquiring after his gf. I was in disbelieve, but worse I broke into tears..

DT realized soon enough he should not have questioned my sincerity in my relationship with him. We have been friends for almost 11 years now..and he has always been close to heart. He really played a big role in shaping me to who I am today. But I knew that it was in his nature to clarify, and hence the seemingly distrusting question. I knew he was not angry with me, but the way he posed the question was hurtful, and I CRIED!!

Today I can laugh about it, but it got me thinking how fragile I actually am. I know to many, I come across and confident, strong and as a person who knows what she wants and how to get what she wants. but the truth it I am fragile. The very same reason Rubern hurt me so bad, Steph hurt so bad, ET, AT, AH and so many hurt so much.

guess that just means I need to toughen up.Oh well.. People are just insensitive and inhuman...

DT, no no, you don't fall into that category, k? :) Love ya to bits! :D

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