Monday, 9 March 2009

Of flirts and tease..

Well, I told a friend, J, that he is a flirt. He said, no...I'm just a tease..

So I ask, what's the bloody difference?

A tease do not take you for a ride. But I said that they do...emotional rides..

Well, we've been arguing since.

But in all honesty, why do we flirt and tease? I have to admit, I am a flirt too, and a tease..But I think these two are not really separable. Anyways, I flirt and tease, when I know it is mutual on both parties. And it is only when it is fun on both sides, both knowing it is nothing serious. It is a confidence boost, a compliment when it's both ways..

The rules do not apply when the other is not suspecting, and is actually falling for the other. That is when the brakes are pulled. YOU STOP FLIRTING, TEASING and whatever else you're doing!

I made it easy for J. I told him I liked him, and this is not going anywhere, so leave me alone.

But nooooooooo....He come back again and again.

I snub him..snap at him..virtually bite his head off!!

And he is back yet again!

He has offered to take me fishing and buy me lunch.. Hmm.. He is asking me to support his new dreams of building and boosting his band, "Pls support me Pearl..:)" (Maybe it's a problem with all musicians..haha). He still claims to be recently single..(both Althea and Geraldine doesn't buy it, and I have my suspicions..)

Okaaay..enuf of J-goss...


Flirting: Flirting is a form of human interaction between two people, expressing a romantic and/or sexual interest. It can consist of conversation, body language, or brief physical contact. It may be one-sided or reciprocated.

Teasing: One form of teasing is to pretend to give something which the other desires, or giving it very slowly. This is usually done by arousing curiosity or desire and may not actually involve the intent to satisfy or disclose.

Free dictionary:

Flirt: To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures

Tease: To arouse hope, desire, or curiosity in without affording satisfaction.

Urban dictionary:

Flirt: A person who is innocently overly friendly, especially the type of friendliness that is interpeted as seduction. Actions may include: giving away number, blowing kisses, caressing, and free lapdances.

Tease: A member of the opposite sex, ussualy a female who entices you into thinking you have a chance. Almost always ends with you having blueballs and feelings of sorrow, resentment and bitterness


Hence, I do not think it is possible to be a tease without being a flirt, right?

Oh well..

Women's day passed me by, and all I did on that day was...sleep. :) I think it was a splendid way to spend women's day! :)

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