Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Tooth fairy

I wonder ho0w much would she give for a broken extracted tooth....hmm

Just extracted the first premolar tooth next to my canine upper left now I have a very very imperfect smile....:( and scarred legs...:( my two favourite features gone!!

Thank God I do not have my own camera yet, or I'd be disgusting you with photos!! Hahah

On the bright side, now I shall have to hide from public view for sometime...and would help me save some money so I can now pay for the damages.....Aih...

This really sucks..

But I am still happy being a bum...spoke to my "nephew" Ben in Germany. Nice to get closer to the family...:) He is the one who called me a bum in the first place cuz he has to go to work...he's just jealous....:P

So that's about it for today....drowsy....need...sleep.....nights...

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